


The exploration and development of outer space are contributing to a new awareness of humanity's place and purpose in the cosmos as well as creating new opportunities for its advancement and enrichment, both on and beyond its home planet Earth. It is considered essential that a cultural aspect becomes integrated into these astronautical endeavors in order to insure their success and benefit to all present and future generations.


The primary purpose of the OURS Project is to introduce, nurture and expand a cultural dimension to humanity's astronautical endeavors. This task will be manifested through the identification, investigation, support and realization of related cultural, astronautical, humanitarian, environmental and educational activities which may take place both on and off planet Earth, and which are deemed as beneficial to the development and advancement of human civilization in this new environment.

Arthur Woods
P. O. Box 414, CH-8286 Stein am Rhein, Switzerland
Tel: +41 52 741 37 40


The OURS Project 1986 -2007